About Us

MIAIMY is a leading study abroad consultancy providing personalized guidance and support to students looking to pursue their higher education overseas. Founded in 2022 and headquartered in Pakistan, we are the first consultancy of its kind to offer an end-to-end study abroad application service right from the comfort of your home.


Our mission is to make the process of studying abroad transparent, simplified and stress-free for students. With access to over 4500 universities across 378 cities worldwide, we help find the right fit for your academic goals and aspirations. Our team of experienced counselors guide you through university shortlisting, application preparation, visa process, pre-departure guidance and more.


What sets us apart is our technology-enabled platform that provides 24×7 support and allows you to track your application status in real-time. Our proprietary tools and training ensure our counselors are up-to-date with the latest admission trends and profiles of universities across geographies. This enables us to provide tailored advice based on your unique requirements.


Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships with top universities which allows us to deliver exceptional results for our students. Our high visa approval rates are a testament to our meticulous application review process. We also provide interview preparation and training workshops to help maximize your chances of securing admission.


At MIAIMY, we strongly believe that studying abroad is an investment for life. Our vision is to empower students to make informed decisions that help realize their global ambitions. Get in touch with us over call, email or book an in-person/virtual consultation to know more.